Our services

Individual Therapy for Adults

Seeking Solace and Empowerment Through Therapy
Are you struggling to navigate the complexities of life? Feeling overwhelmed by the weight of your emotions or burdened by unresolved traumas?

At Wishing Well Therapy, we understand that life's challenges can sometimes feel insurmountable. That's why we're here to offer you a lifeline—a safe space where you can untangle your thoughts, explore your emotions, and embark on a transformative journey towards healing and self-discovery.

Whether you're facing anxiety, depression, relationship difficulties, or trying to cope with past traumas, our team of empathetic and highly skilled therapists is dedicated to providing you with the compassionate support you need.

Make the choice to invest in yourself today by embarking on a journey of self-discovery, growth, and resilience. Your well-being is our priority, and we're here to help you navigate life's journey with compassion, understanding, and expertise.

Individual Therapy for College Students and Young Adults

Discover a Better You
Are you a college student or a young adult struggling to navigate the challenges and uncertainties of this transformative phase of life? Do you find yourself in need of guidance, support, and a safe space to explore your thoughts and emotions?

As a young adult, life often presents a plethora of challenges – transitioning into adulthood, managing career aspirations, and maintaining healthy relationships. Our experienced therapists are here to guide you through these hurdles, helping you gain self-awareness, develop coping skills, and find the confidence to fulfill your true potential. Whether you're struggling with anxiety, depression, or simply need a safe space to explore your feelings, we offer personalized therapy sessions that will equip you with the tools to lead a fulfilling and meaningful life.

Remember, investing in your mental well-being is an investment in your future success!

Play Therapy

Unlock the Healing Power of Play
Are you searching for a transformative therapy approach that can help your child overcome emotional challenges, enhance their well-being, and achieve personal growth? Look no further! At Wishing Well Therapy, we proudly present our highly effective Play Therapy program.

Why Play Therapy?
Play is the primary language of children. It is the medium through which they express their inner struggles, explore their emotions, and make sense of the world around them. Play Therapy harnesses the power of play to facilitate healing and growth in children, providing them with a safe and supportive environment to express themselves freely.

The Magic Behind Play Therapy
Our Play Therapy program is based on the belief that children possess an innate capacity for self-healing, and by engaging in purposeful play, they can naturally resolve their emotional challenges. Our trained and compassionate Play Therapists create a nurturing space where children can freely explore their feelings, practice problem-solving, and develop coping mechanisms at their own pace.


Perinatal Mental Health

Nurturing Mental Wellness for Every Parent
Are you preparing for the beautiful journey of parenthood? Perhaps you need support during pregnancy, or maybe you're already experiencing the whirlwind of emotions that come with the early stages of parenthood. At Wishing Well Therapy, we understand that this can be an incredibly transformative and, at times, challenging period in your life. That's why we're here to offer you our specialized Perinatal Therapy program, designed to nurture your mental wellness every step of the way.

What is Perinatal Therapy?
Perinatal therapy is a branch of mental health care that focuses on supporting individuals and their partners during pregnancy, childbirth, and the postpartum period. Starting from conception through the first year of parenthood, this specialized therapy provides a safe and compassionate space for you to explore and navigate the unique emotional challenges that arise during this time.

Why is Perinatal Therapy Important?
It's no secret that pregnancy and early parenthood can bring a rollercoaster of emotions, ranging from joy and excitement to anxiety and overwhelm. The hormonal changes, physical shifts, relationship adjustments, and societal pressures can all contribute to feelings of stress, depression, loneliness, and even guilt. By seeking perinatal therapy, you can gain valuable tools to cope with these challenges and ensure your mental well-being is nurtured throughout this transformative journey.

Our Perinatal Therapy Services

Prenatal Counseling: Prepare for the emotional changes and challenges of pregnancy, discuss birth plans, explore expectations, and manage stress and anxiety.
Postpartum Support: Navigate the emotional shifts during the postpartum phase, address perinatal mood disorders, establish healthy bonding with your baby, and manage the adjustment to parenthood.
Parenting Support: Provide guidance and support for the unique challenges of parenting, including infant care, managing sleep disruptions, establishing routines, and addressing the changing dynamics of family life.

Let us help you embark on this beautiful journey with confidence, resilience, and joy!

Parenting Sessions

Are you feeling overwhelmed and stressed out by the challenges of parenting? Do you find yourself constantly second-guessing your decisions and struggling to maintain a healthy balance between your role as a parent and other aspects of your life?

At Wishing Well Therapy, we understand that parenting can be one of the most rewarding yet challenging journeys of our lives. That's why we are thrilled to offer our specialized parenting sessions designed to support and empower parents like you.

Why Parenting Counseling?
Parenting is a complex role that can sometimes leave us feeling isolated, anxious, or even uncertain about our abilities as caregivers. Our dedicated and experienced therapists are here to help you navigate through these challenges, providing you with the necessary tools and strategies to strengthen your relationship with your child and enhance your overall parenting experience.

Don't let the challenges of parenthood hold you back any longer. Together, we can transform your parenting journey into one of joy, love, and growth!

Questions before getting started? Get in touch.